5 Reasons Why I Love Crocheting (And Why Everyone Should Do It!)

Do you crochet, make amigurumi, or create in public spaces? I do, and I’ve found it’s a great conversation starter. People want to know what I’m making and share stories about their own or their loved ones’ creations. Yesterday, while crocheting, I chatted with a woman whose 20-year-old son crochets to relax. He doesn’t follow a pattern, he just crochets to unwind, which his mother proudly shared. I think it’s fantastic that he has this tool for relaxation.

I try to crochet whenever I can, and this conversation made me reflect on why I love crocheting. Here’s what I came up with:

    1. For the Finished Product: There’s nothing better than snuggling under a handmade blanket or wearing an impressive scarf that I crocheted myself. I love that sense of accomplishment when I finally finish what I’ve been working on.
    2. To Relax: When I’m stressed and my mind is racing, the repetitive motion of crocheting calms and relaxes me, putting me in a better mood.
    3. For Days When I Can’t Handle Life: On tough days, doing something simple like crocheting gives me the satisfaction of achieving something, making it easier to switch gears.
    4. To Create Art: I love using crochet to create art, combining yarns of various colors and textures in different ways to make something incredibly beautiful.
    5. To Be Happy: My ideal day includes crocheting because it makes me happy. It’s the simple things in life that bring the most joy!

After this list, we should all be crocheting! We would all be happier, healthier, more relaxed, and maybe there would be no wars!

What about you? Why do you crochet, knit, or do something else you love?

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